FAQ for Administrators


Using the Events Calendar...

Overview of using the Events @ UOW Calendars, About Events @ UOW.

FAQ for Users
How to view multiple calendars, search, submit, email and export events

FAQ for Administrators
How to login, change passwords, approve, add and edit events

Guidelines for Event Submissions
Who can submit events, an overview of the process, approval & posting.


Learn More...

Read the WebEvent Userguide for more information about its features.



To change calendar administrators:

To request an additional administrator, and/or change ownership of a calendar, contact uownow@uow.edu.au.

To request a new calendar:

All calendars on this system are subject to review and approval by the Calendar Manager in the Office of Community & Partnerships. For consideration of a new calendar, please contact uownow@uow.edu.au.





How do I login?
A. Click on the login menu item in the top-right of screen. Enter your Events @ UOW username & password (note it is different to your staff account username & password.) From here you are taken to your list of available calendars.

How do I change or recover my password?
A. To change your password, go to the login screen and tick the "Change Password" option as you login. It will then ask you to enter your old and new passwords (remember it is case sensitive). Click "Change Password " to complete the action.

If you forget your password, contact the Calendar Manager (uownow@uow.edu.au) to have it reset.

How do I know an event is waiting my approval?
A. Periodically log on to the calendar and look for a flashing Bell icon which indicates a request is pending. Also, event modifications or deletions will come to you in the form of an email.

How do I approve or reject submitted events?
A. Click on the Bellicon to review any events submitted by users. Submitted events are unapproved and remain invisible to everyone except the relevant Calendar Administrator(s). Once an event is approved it immediately become visible to all users. The submitter (contact email) will get an automatic email notification as soon as the event is approved or deleted.

What do I do if an event is postponed or cancelled?
Do not remove a cancelled or postponed event from the calendar. Change the title to reflect the change by inserting CANCELLED or POSTPONED at the start. Update the event's details (time, location, etc) and then add any rescheduled events to the calendar.

How do I Add, Modify or Delete an Event?
A. Administrators have a special menu that allows them to add an event and to switch between event modifying or viewing.

Click on the "Add New" link to enter a new event - there will be an option to automatically approve the event. To modify or delete events, click on the "Modify" link to switch to the modifying events view. Now click on the event. At the top of the page is a drop-down menu where you can select to modify or delete the event. Once the approver has taken action, the submitter (contact email) will get an automatic email notification.

Can I perform any of the calendar functions from home?
A. Yes. Login and proceed as usual.

Who do I contact if I need help?
A. Contact the Calendar Administrator at uownow@uow.edu.au.

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